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Hourly mentions of a word on Twitter

Some time ago (ok a month ago—time ✈️s), I saw this tweet:

I thought, “should be easy, lmgt.” However, results for the query “hourly mentions of a word on twitter” didn’t offer clear solutions. Days later I came across two relatively simple approaches to tackling the problem. The first is Tweepy. The other is Logstash.

Tweepy is an open source Python library for accessing the Twitter API, including the Twitter Streaming API.

Logstash is an open source tool for collecting, processing, and forwarding events. Logstash can read events from the Twitter Streaming API using its twitter plugin.

Having tried both, I recommend Logstash over Tweepy for two main reasons:

  1. it deals with the Twitter API rate limits by default
  2. it offers Elasticsearch and Kibana integration—simplifying the aggregation and visualization steps, respectively, that naturally follow the data (tweet) collection step

For both Tweepy and Logstash you need access to Twitter’s streaming API. Follow steps 2 and 3 here to create a Twitter app and obtain your Consumer Key, Consumer Key Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.

The ELK solution

Download and install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. If you are on a Mac, you can

brew install elasticsearch
brew install logstash

Make sure you have Elasticsearch and Kibana running. Before running Logstash, you need to prepare a configuration file. Below is a sample configuration file to collect tweets containing the word ireland (call it ireland.conf)

# a logstash config file has three sections:
# input{}, output{}, and (optional) filter{}; add plugins
# to specify how events should be handled in each section

input {
    twitter {
        # set key and token values from the previous step
        consumer_key => ""
        consumer_secret => ""
        oauth_token => ""
        oauth_token_secret => ""
        # assume we are interested in tracking all
        # mentions of the word "ireland"
        keywords => ["ireland"]
        # no need for all fields to get hourly counts
        full_tweet => false

output {
	stdout {
		# include this to pretty-print the event's json to stdout
		codec => rubydebug

To start streaming tweets, run

logstash -f ireland.conf

At this point, tweets are written to stdout. In order to visualize tweet counts using Kibana, you need to save the tweets to Elasticsearch.

Add the elasticsearch plugin to the output section of the configuration

output {
    elasticsearch {
        protocol => "http"
        host => "localhost"
        index => "irelandtweets"

	stdout {
		# include this to pretty-print the event's json to stdout
		codec => rubydebug

Run Logstash again and have a look at:


Below is a sample of the output format. You can see, for example, that 65235 documents (tweets) have been stored in the irelandtweets index

  "took" : 2,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 65235,
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [ {
      "_index" : "irelandtweets",
      "_type" : "logs",
      "_id" : "AU2B1MGZPj_44djTabLA",
      "_score" : 1.0,
      "_source":{"@timestamp":"2015-05-23T17:31:51.000Z","message":"Y'all have no idea how happy I am for Ireland 💗 Can my country say yes to equality too 😭","user":"LesbiForLauren","client":"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone</a>","retweeted":false,"source":"","@version":"1"}
    }, {
      "_index" : "irelandtweets",
      "_type" : "logs",
      "_id" : "AU2B1MGZPj_44djTabLF",
      "_score" : 1.0,
      "_source":{"@timestamp":"2015-05-23T17:31:51.000Z","message":"RT @muyskerm: @Jack_Septic_Eye Well done Ireland. The U.S. could take a lesson.","user":"SOUTHERNjamespb","client":"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for BlackBerry</a>","retweeted":false,"source":"","@version":"1"}
    }, {

To start using Kibana, visit


On the Discover tab, there is a configuration form:

  • Check off the box: Index contains time-based events
  • Fill the Index name or pattern field with irelandtweets
  • Fill the Time-field name field with @timestamp

On the Visualize tab, choose visualization type Line chart.

  • Choose option From a saved search to use the same query you specified on the Discover tab
  • On the left hand side, you can specify metric and bucket aggregations:
  • For metric aggregation— same as Y-Axis aggregation—choose Count
  • For bucket aggregation—same as X-Axis aggregation
    • Fill the Aggregation field with Date Histogram
    • Fill the Field field with @timestamp
    • Fill the Interval field with Minute
  • Click on the Refresh Interval tab at the top. Choose 5 seconds and see your line chart come alive 📈

Kibana screenshot

Done. Thank you for starting the conversation Kaegan!

More resources

For details about Logstash plugins see this guide.

Anna Roes has written an excellent overview of Kibana in this tutorial.